Amongst chronicle and narration, this documentary intends to retrace the extraordinary tale of Palestini Fioravante, the famous brand of biscuits’ mythical testimonial, the "gentle giant" who decides, in the years of wars of the Mafia, to become a criminal by binding the ferocious "broker" of drugs Gaspare Mutolo. How was the transition from the world of advertisings to that of crime? What was his true relationship with the Mafia? How did he survive twenty years of hard prison in Egypt? What are his views today? The memories of the protagonist, along with repertoire materials and court documents, illustrations, interviews of relatives and authorities involved in the story, compose a very complex and multifaceted framework, useful to explore the different identity of the human soul, and the dark ambiguities of an era. Duration: 52 '. Format: HD. Pictures | Watch the spot in HD
Now available the new LogicFilm demo sponsored by Broadcast Center. Shot in 1080i 25p in standard DVCPROHD with a Panasonic AG-HPX500E and an optical Canon hd KJ-13X-6B KSR, the demo contains 5 videoclip viewable in high resolution on
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The FGMs belong to the tradition of numerous African communities and some realities of Asia. The migratory flows of the last 30 years have introduced in the western Countries uses and habits previously unknown. The Female Genital Mutilations are an aspect of this phenomenon and children and girls immigrated belonging to that tradition continue to covertly be operated, also in Italy. Direction and editing Simone Del Grosso – Photography Antonio Rosano – Aiuto regia Mauro John Capece. Format: Dvcpro hd - Duration: 20’
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"Flowers, dust and good people” - a documentary on the International flower feast of Poggio Moiano (RT)- direction and editing Simone Del Grosso- cinematography by Antonio Rosano - original music Graziano Caprioni. The film will be soon available on DVD, together with a video by Brazilian filmmaker William Farnesi. Watch the spot | Pictures
“The rainbow illness”, documentary, directed by Simone Del Grosso, photography by Antonio Rosano, music by Graziano Caprioni and Gionni Di Clemente, English subtitles by Lucy Hughes. Screened in 2005 at the International Festival of Film Societies, in Matera, recently awarded at the prestigious “Festival Gianni Di Venanzo” (TE), 2007. Watch the trailer. Watch the spot
"THE NUMBER ONE" written and directed by Antonio Adrisani, is a light comedy. The short, only 32 'minutes long, was produced by the cultural association Thirty-one and Logicfilm. Photographed by Antonio Rosano - Editing by Simone Del Grosso - Sound by Claudio Gioia - Music by Giuseppe De Florio. With Antonio Andrisani Gianfranco Ferrara, Loredana Paolicelli, Mario Parlato, Giovanna Armando, Giuseppe De Florio, Lucia Lasala, Rocco The pulpit (and many others) and with the friendly participation of Silvia Ferreri and Mingo De Pasquale.
The promotional video will be available in the InfoPoint of Irsina. The InfoPoint project is sponsored by the city of Irsina and Gal Bradanica. Photography Antonio Rosano, textes Antonella Ciervo, executive producer John Rosano.
Logicfilm is technical partner of the last feature film by Luigi Di Gianni, which focused on the history of musician Gesualdo from Venosa. Pictures